suburban porch

Suburban Porch

the winning foursome

The Winning Foursome

keeley davenport with children's and dino nicoletta cwonj president

Keeley Davenport with Children’s and Dino Nicoletta CWONJ President

Children’s Specialized Hospital 22nd Annual
Golf Outing Tops $128,000 in Donations

UNION, NJ — The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey’s (CWONJ) Children’s Specialized Hospital 22nd Annual Golf Outing here raised $7,000 for the hospital on August 5, topping off total donations at $128,000, according to Scott Freund, CWONJ Golf Chairman. “We have been working with our golfers and sponsors over the last 18 years to raise money for this incredibly deserving hospital and with our outing and weekend event this year we are at approximately $128,000 and we couldn’t be more pleased.”

Despite scorching temperatures in the ‘90s dedicated golfers took to the famed A.W. Tillinghast course after a “To Go” Breakfast sponsored by Broad Street and Spark Car Washes for 18 holes on the challenging albeit breathtaking course. The day was topped off with a late BBQ lunch sponsored by Micrologic, who also sponsored the Golf Balls. Lunch Beverage Sponsors included Circle Petroleum/Reladyne, King Insurance, Andrew Knox & Co. and Olde Granddad. Golf Carts were sponsored by Simoniz USA. On the course beverages were provided by Prime Lube and DRB. The Hole in One sponsor was ICS and Vacutech sponsored the Pro on Hole #11.

CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta then presented Children’s Specialized Hospital’s Director of Institutional Giving, Keely Davenport, with a check for $7,000. Davenport shared the breadth of the hospital’s scope throughout its 15 New Jersey locations. She added that children from across the country make the journey to the Garden State to take advantage of the hospital’s inpatient and outpatient care from chronic illnesses and complex physical disabilities like brain and spinal cord injuries, to developmental and behavioral issues such as autism and mental health. You can learn more about the good work of the hospital at

President Nicoletta then noted the winning and second place foursomes and some other winners before thanking each sponsor. Second Place went to the team from Proland Management: Scott Freund, Al Sa, Henry Caron and Ray Kenwell with a 59. First Place went to the returning champs from Broad Street Car Wash: Doug Karvelas, Jack Keller, Connor Moffat and Mike Giannacio with a 54. Carlo Gulotta had the Closest to the Pin honor on Hole #11, Al Sa took Closest to the Pin on Hole #16 while Tyler Oliveira hit the Longest Drive on Hole #4. Longest Drive Contest sponsorships were provided by Advantage Contractors/Simoniz and Echelon/WashHounds. Closest to the Pin sponsors included Birchwood Insurance, the Northeast Carwasher magazine and Shammy Shine Car Wash. Tee/Green sponsors included: Eastern Funding, Express Auto Spa, Kirikian Industries, Kleen-Rite Corp., Madison Car Wash, Paymedia, Service Champ, Swiped, Tameric Realty and Tri State Car Wash Sales of PA.

CWONJ Past President Mike Conte also ran an auction, won by Al Rogers with Shammy Shine, for a foursome and lunch at the private club.

President Nicoletta noted in his address to the group that the upcoming Northeast Regional Carwash Convention (NRCC), Oct. 7-9, is being hosted by the CWONJ. He also shared the date of the association’s Fall Membership Meeting, November 6, featuring International Carwash Association (ICA) President Marcus Kittrell. The event will be held at Suburban Golf Club in Union.

Glow Express in Matawan

Glow Express in Matawan

Team in Morganville

Team in Morganville

Express Auto Spa of Lakewood

Express Auto Spa of Lakewood

Standout Washes, Succulent Lunch
Highlight 23rd Annual Wash Tour

MATAWAN, NJ — The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey’s 23 Annual Carwash Tour, May 29, which started out here, visited three unique locations on a picture-perfect day. A full bus of attendees, sponsored by Motor City Wash Works, first traveled from the Judy Blume Service Area on the Garden State Parkway to Glow Express in Matawan. Owned by Leon Beyder, the 90-foot express featuring MacNeil equipment, 11 Vacutech drops, NCS chemistry and Micrologic controls packed a big punch in a small amount of acreage. With vacs in two locations on the property, the site’s creative layout and colorful design was inspiring and efficient.  read more….

2024 Carwash of the Year Award

Vendor members can nominate an exceptional site!
Deadline September 1.

This award is based on the following:

New Carwash: Any carwash facility or combination, that has opened for business as a new wash or been substantially rehabbed within two years of the nomination date.

Classic Carwash: Any carwashing facility or combination that has been open for business for more than two years from nominated date.

Purpose: To instill pride in New Jersey carwashes, to promote membership in the CWONJ and to engage our distributor/supplier members.

Nominations: The nominations shall be made by any CWONJ member distributor/supplier. Entries are encouraged regardless of the product being distributed.

Award: The winning facility in each category shall receive a one-year membership in the CWONJ. One of the two categories deemed by the judges as the grand award winner will receive a complimentary two-night stay at the NRCC.

Nominated carwashes must be current members of the CWONJ. Any carwash receiving the award will agree to retain membership in the CWONJ for two years following receipt of the award.

One or both carwashes may be featured on an annual CWONJ bus tour depending on logistics.

Judging: Judging shall be done by a panel of five judges selected by the President of the CWONJ.

Judging Criteria: Quality of service, location aesthetics, financial viability, concept. Each location will be visited by at least one member of the judging panel unannounced.

Each entry should include at least three digital photos to be emailed to for distribution to the judges.

Nominations are due: September 1

The award will be bestowed at the November Membership Meeting.

The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey’s (CWONJ) Fall Membership Meeting

Benny’s Justin Alford

Broad Street Car Wash’s Doug Karvelas, Helen, Justin and Juliet Alford and CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta.

Broad Street Car Wash’s Doug Karvelas, Helen, Justin and Juliet Alford and CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta.

The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey’s (CWONJ) Fall Membership Meeting, November 8, at Suburban Golf Club here featured International Carwash Association (ICA) President and Benny’s Car Wash co-owner Justin Alford. Alford, a third generation carwasher who hails from Baton Rouge, LA, made the trip with his wife Juliet and daughter Helen, a fourth generation carwasher, to speak at the annual meeting attended by 60. “It was an honor to have Justin come to New Jersey and share his family’s incredible and successful carwashing story,” said CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta.

Broad Street Car Wash’s Doug Karvelas, Helen, Justin and Juliet Alford and CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta.

CWONJ Past President Doug Karvelas (center) took guest speaker and ICA President Justin Alford on a tour with some other operators including (L to R) Dino Nicoletta, James Burkhardt, Tom Fuller, Doug Kleeschulte, and New York operators Gary Baright and Tom Hoffman, Jr.

Prior to the annual membership meeting Alford got the opportunity visit some washes in the state. “What a great day,” said Alford. “We were able to visit so many really interesting washes and spend time with some of my carwash friends old and new,” he said. “What a great group of operators.”

Alford, whose grandfather started in the industry in 1951, owns nine Benny’s car washes in the Baton Rouge, LA, market with his father Ben and brother Jason. They run successful conveyor locations with full service, express, oil changes, gas, detail and c-stores. In fact, Benny’s and Innovative Control Systems (ICS), Bethlehem, PA, the event’s hors d’oeuvre sponsor, were instrumental in launching the first express carwash in the US in 2001.

Alford shared his company’s growth and evolution and educated the group on all things Baton Rouge complete with Mardi Gras beads that featured the wash’s mascot. “What a great meeting,” added Nicoletta. “Justin is a true professional and a really outstanding guy.”

Also during the meeting Princeton Public Affairs Group (PPAG) lobbyist Sam Weinstein updated attendees on the two-year efforts to push legislation through the state that would deem carwashes “essential” if COVID or another similar epidemic shuts down businesses. “Sam and the team at PPAG are pushing hard on our behalf and with a little more effort we hope to get to the finish line,” said Nicoletta.

CWONJ’s Donates More Than $100,000 in

18-Year Effort for Children’s Specialized Hospital

Children's Hospital President Alissa Memoli and President Nicoletta
Children's Hospital President Alissa Memoli and President Nicoletta

UNION, NJ — The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey (CWONJ) were able to get in nine holes before Mother Nature had other plans, but more importantly the association was able to surpass $100,000 in donations over the last 18 years to The Children’s Specialized Hospital at its 21st Annual Golf Outing at Suburban Golf Club in Union. The event has been raising money for the hospital, the country’s largest pediatric rehabilitation facility, for nearly two decades. And in doing so has raised $97,000 after this event, and an additional $12,766.00 at its recent Carwash Weekend, held over the Labor Day holiday.

“It’s amazing what the hospital does for children across the country and it’s also amazing how supportive and generous our vendor and operator members have been the last 21 years,” said Dino Nicoletta, CWONJ President. “We all look forward to getting together and giving back to this amazing hospital. This year’s event was exceptional despite the rain, thunder and yes, lightening! Everyone seemed to have a great time and were happy to support the hospital and its mission.” read more….

CWONJ Board Member Tom Fuller of Team Car Wash (left) and CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta of Asbury Circle Car Wash (right) met with Assembly Speaker Craig J. Coughlin at the Princeton Public Affairs office in Trenton to discuss the association’s bill to deem carwashes “essential.”

Help Us Become “Essential!”

The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey and the legislative team from PPAG have drafted language to deem carwashes “essential” during a state of emergency or public health emergency.

In order for this bill, A 3703, to pass we need our vendor and operator members to make phone calls and send letters to their local legislators!

The templates are HERE.

Click on this link to find your local legislators and their contact information.

TOGETHER, we can get this legislation passed but we need to make the calls and send the letters immediately!

Thank you for your help!

Dino Nicoletta, CWONJ President

Northeast Regional Carwash Convention
October 7-9, 2024

32nd NRCC Continues to Raise the Bar

The September event had record-breaking vendor booths

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ — The 32nd Northeast Regional Carwash Convention (NRCC), September 19-21, at the Atlantic City Convention Center reached its highest booth count in the show’s history, with 358 sold. And although attendee numbers did not surpass those of 2022, the energy from the seminar lineup and Keynote Speaker put the show over the top, according to Dave Ellard and John Shalbey, Jr., show co-chairs. “Attendees were excited to be at an event with a bunch of carwash entrepreneurs and be able to talk about business, make deals and have fun,” said Shalbey. “From the exhibitor side I heard that attendees were not just kicking tires, but truly investigating and spending money on the latest and greatest technology.”

read more…

NRCC emerging leader award 2024
Incoming CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta with former NJ Governor Chris Christie at the 31st NRCC in Atlantic City in October

Incoming CWONJ President Dino Nicoletta with former NJ Governor Chris Christie at the 31st NRCC in Atlantic City in October

NRCC Attendee Numbers Break Record!

ATLANTIC CITY — Despite COVID protocol, the Delta Variant and vendor downsizing due to staffing issues and illness, the 31st Northeast Regional Carwash Convention (NRCC), October 4-6, at the Atlantic City Convention Center, broke its 2019 attendee record, according to show Chairman, David DuGoff, with the Mid-Atlantic Carwash Association, this year’s host. “Carwashers are just the best people in the world,” said DuGoff. “It is in our DNA to want to share with others. We learn so much from each other and that is why we want so much to be together again. And that is what we saw at the 31st NRCC — record-breaking operator attendance!” 

In addition to impressive attendance, 998 excluding vendors, the NRCC board elevated its educational lineup and secured high-profile presenter, former Governor Chris Christie, as its Keynote Speaker. “Governor Christie, a native of New Jersey, is candid and entertaining. Whether you like his politics or not, he provided us with a caliber of speaker we have not had in the past,” said Suzanne Stansbury, NRCC board member and education track coordinator. “We were thrilled to have him at our event.” 

The NRCC was able to secure this level of speaker thanks to a generous co-sponsorship from innovateIt and Micrologic Associates. “I thought Governor Christie’s comments were both insightful and inspiring for small business owners,” said innovateIt President Ron Slone. Added Miguel Gonzalez, Micrologic President & CEO, “Governor Christie was a fantastic choice. For me, personally, it was a career highlight. His authenticity and energy resonated with the audience. My thanks to the NRCC for making this possible.”

In addition to the Keynote, the education track included an unscripted Early Bird panel discussion on any and all topics relating to carwashing, a program on turning a difficult customer into a customer for life and a lively, candid discussion with some industry “Titans” on consolidation, transformation and the industry’s bright future. That seminar included Sonny’s Paul Fazio, Simoniz USA’s Bill Gorra, Hoffman Car Wash’s Tom Hoffman Jr., Amplify Car Wash Advisor’s Bill Martin and International Carwash Association’s Eric Wulf. Unfortunately, due to illness, Big Ass Fans founder Carey Smith was unable to attend. He will, however, be on the 2022 education track!

Another change to the 2021 show was the expansion of the Welcome Reception sponsored by ICS. “We really wanted to make it all-inclusive and a true networking event so we opened it up to every single attendee, no matter if they just came to walk the floor or purchased a full convention pass,” said Stansbury. “It turned out to be a perfect ending to the first day of the trade show featuring Jersey snacks and beverages.”

The NRCC board also opted to change hotel venues and move back to the iconic Atlantic City boardwalk and call the newly-renovated Hard Rock Hotel & Casino home for the next several years.  

The 32nd NRCC is slated for September 19-21. For attendee and exhibitor registration information visit, email or call 800/868-8590. The 2022 show is hosted by the New England Carwash Association with Dave Ellard and John Shalbey Jr. as co-chairmen. “We have some terrific additions to our educational lineup on tap for the 2022 NRCC,” said Shalbey Jr. “We always strive to push the bar a little higher with each show.” 

About the NRCC

The Northeast Regional Carwash Convention (NRCC) is an alliance of volunteers from five East Coast carwash associations: the Car Wash Operators of New Jersey (CWONJ), Connecticut Carwash Association (CCA), Mid-Atlantic Carwash Association (MCA), New England Carwash Association (NECA) and New York State Car Wash Association (NYSCWA). The event is held annually in the fall and includes a trade show floor and educational programming geared toward carwash owner/operators. The first NRCC was held in 1989 in Newport, RI.

cwonj-logo-smallThe Car Wash Operators of New Jersey was founded in 1951 in Newark, New Jersey. The logo on the association’s seal has Excellence, Professional, Quality, Service. This sums up the purpose of our association. As a nonprofit organization, we exist to serve the professional carwash operators in New Jersey and to promote the use of an environmental friendly professional carwash instead of home driveway washing.

Fundraising Car Wash Participation Form

CWONJ has been very active in the past representing the interests of carwash operators in Trenton and assisting governmental agencies for legislation such as the recent drought emergency. We had a very proactive role and sent out publicity kits and information to all our members to educate their customers on ways to conserve water.

“Did you know?”

NJ legislation requires employers with 20 or more employees to offer pretax transportation fringe benefits.

click here to learn more

Employess handbookMember-Only Employee Handbook

Template Ready!

To get yours, send an email to

Have A Labor Question?
For Help Complying with NJ Wage & Hour Regulations

Contact Kathleen M. Caminiti
Fisher & Phillips LLP

Important Information From November NJ Paid Sick Leave Meeting!

PowerPoint presentation will download in the background

Sick Leave Poster  NJ Paid Sick Leave Power Point

New NJ Sales and Use Tax in Effect

NJ Sales and Use Tax in Effect

For additional information visit

NJ Clean Energy Program

Gary Baright with G & G LED educated the membership on  the NJ Clean Energy Program rebates available when LED lighting is installed at the wash. For more information contact Cory Baright at G & G LED at 800/285-6780.

NJ Clean Energy Write Up.pdf


  • Customizable Employee Handbook
  • Merchant Advocate Credit Card Rate Evaluation
  • Scholarship Program
  • Carwash of the Year Award
  • Children’s Specialized Hospital Golf Tourney
  • Children’s Miracle Network Carwash Weekend Fundraiser
  • Carwash Tours
  • Educational Membership Meetings
  • Legislative Advocacy
  • Access to Labor Lawyer Kathleen Caminiti
  • ICA WaterSavers® Program
  • Drought Survival Package
  • Northeast Regional Carwash Convention (NRCC)
  • Northeast Carwasher Magazine
  • Leadership Opportunities
  • Networking
  • New Investors Guide
  • User-Friendly Website,

Our Mission Statement:

The Car Wash Operators of New Jersey exists to enhance the success of its members and to promote the professional carwash industry by collecting and disseminating information and knowledge and by stimulating the exchange of thoughts and ideas.